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 Habitat is probably the most important factor that determines duck production, migration and hunting opportunities. We need good habitat at all times during the year to ensure we have waterfowl.   I have been working on a property to create a safe haven roost area to keep ducks in our neighborhood. These areas don’t need to be huge expanses. I was able to do a little dirt work in conjunction with a water control project on the neighbors and was able to get it done at no additional cost because it benefitted their existing plan. I just asked the guys working...

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Update on the waterfowl habitat improvement   Good news so far on the progress of the smartweed planting. It is flourishing. It took minimal ground work to plant the smartweed and it is doing really well. I will definitely plant more of this next year. Early season ducks especially teal love the smartweed. The pond has dried up a bit to about half capacity allowing for the growth of weeds and plants which will be beneficial. My plan is to start pumping water in a few weeks to flood the smartweed and make it a swim up diner for the ducks....

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This season we are working on creating a habitat perfect for attracting waterfowl. We will be posting a series of updates throughout the year to track and share our progress with you. Follow along to see how our honey hole turns out! Our main goal is to create sustainable food sources on our property to create a habitat to attract and hold ducks, as well as habitat for the spring migration.  After doing a fair amount of research and help from the people at River Refuge seed I decided on 3 plants that would best suit my goals. Wild rice, ...

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Trail cameras have long been used as a way to more efficiently hunt deer by using them to track deer patterns and daily schedules. Many deer hunters use them on private and public land so they can see what locations have the most deer activity when the hunter can not be in the field every day.  Trail cameras aren’t just for deer hunting though. Many hunters and property owners also use trail cameras hidden around their property lines or buildings as remote security. With many cameras having cellular capabilities at an affordable price these days, you can get instant alerts...

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The best waterfowl decoys is a highly debated topic within the hunting community. Much like arguing over which shotgun brand is better or which shotgun shell is superior, everyone has their preference for decoys when hunting ducks and geese. Below we’ll talk about why silhouette windsocks are our favorite decoys for almost all situations!

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